Monday, 27 January 2014

From Diaper to Toilet trained

We started to potty train Enrique when he was about 26 months. It took us about two months to complete the whole process and he has wet many pants in childcare and at home. It was a hassle for me to change the bed sheet and waterproof sheet every now and then.

Once his day routine is in stable mode, we started to train him for the night routine. We started by bringing him to the toilet after his milk and just before he sleeps. We put on diaper for him and emphasise to him that he should wake up and pee in the toilet if he wants to during the night. We did it for about two weeks and we found that he was able to control and never pee on his diaper. We waited for another few more days before we remove it totally. Nightmare starts from there. In the middle of the night I would wake up to carry him to the toilet. He cried and shouted loudly, sometimes disturbed his little brother too. I did this for about two weeks and share with him in the morning about what has happened. He begin to understand and base on my gut feel. I stopped carrying him to the toilet. I told him that from the day on, I will not carry him, he has to tell me himself if he wants to pee in the middle of the night, if not, I will have to wash the bed sheet, and clean the bed which mummy has lots of things to do and have less time to play with him. Also, the discipline goes together. "If you pee on the bed, mummy will beat you very hard and you will not like it" This helps too. At the end of the two months, he was quite well trained but occasionally, he will still wet on the bed. Even during the day, when he was too engrossed or lazy to tell, accident happens too.

The BIG mistake I made was to put on diaper in the night for him when I was back in Singapore as I was afraid that he will wet others bed. Its kind of gave him the wrong message. Although he had it on, he would still says he wants to pee and I have to remove the diaper but when I decided to remove it totally, he peed on the bed again. I regretted my decision.

So I have to trained him all over again!! The first night he peed, I scolded him and warned him of canning. The second night again, I gave him one last chance. The third night, I gave him a good beating and shared the inconvenience he has caused. From there, everything is well now. Today is his 6th day without any accident. I made a promised to him that if he continuous for 10 days never pee on the bed, I will bring him to the Singapore Zoo. He was very excited about it and was proud every morning to say that he never pee on the bed and ask me how many days and when he can go to the Zoo.

Three cheers for Enrique! Mummy loves you.

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