Thursday 13 November 2014

Bag with a dilemma

Have you bought a bag which you think is cool and nice but your partner think otherwise?

Ever since Michael Kors launch into the market and gets popular, I don't really like any of the design until in October, I went to Las Rozas Village outlet while helping my sister to get her bag, I saw this white bag with studs and crystals on it. It was on a special discount and for a moment, I decided to try it and I fell in love with it as I do not have a white or light coloured bag. Therefore, I gave my credit card at the counter and walk out of the shop happily. The happiness did not last long.

Once I reached home and am excited to show my hubby, the first thing from his mouth is 'This bag is so Ugly, the studs is ugly and it make the bag looks even uglier' I almost lost my balance and got so pissed with him. He tried to convince me to change it. We went back to the shop on another day and he wanted me to change to other model that is in black (which I already got a few black bags) which is not the type that I would even consider about. His taste is very mature designs. In the end, I stay firmed and keep my white crystals and studs bag which I think is fun and cool to carry. 

I am sure, when I take this bag in future, he is going to comment again. I believe, I will not use this bag when going out with him.

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