Saturday 12 October 2013

Spending time with Snow in April

I could still see the snow on the mountain from my window. Therefore, we decided to spend one of our Saturdays with the snow.

Puerto Navacerrada Ski Resort is the closest to Madrid (60 km) and the maximum height is 2,200m. We never thought it would be still so cold as its already in April. Obviously, we are not prepared to the temperature again. 

When we reached there, we were surprised to see many are fully geared to ski and also others like us, just want to spend quality family time with the snow before its gone. The scenery was awesome! At the same time, we could hear our teeth chattering while taking the chair cable up to the mountain.

Up on the mountain
Planned to walk up but it was too cold and windy

We ended up playing snow at the bottom of the mountain with
many other kids.
Seeing others having fun but my child cannot enjoy was a terrible feeling.
So I had to be thick skinned and ask others to lend me their toy so that
my boys can have fun too.
We drove further and found another family friendly place to play snow again.

On the way back to madrid, we saw this reservoir.
Believe it was the same one that we saw from the top of the mountain

We will sure be back next year with more clothing….and maybe picnic in the snow.

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