Monday 29 December 2014

Lunch treat with SGP govt representative

This post is over due long ago... .. Yes, In August! I got an email from Contact Singapore, a government body station in London. Terrence's colleague has arranged and host this Singaporean get together lunch. And this is all the Singaporean we've got in Madrid but I believe there are more hiding somewhere... yet to find out.

We had a great lunch at The Garden 2112, a Thai restaurant along Arturo Soria. For your information, I have stayed in Madrid for 4.5 years but this is the first time a representative from SGP government contacted us for a meet up session.

We wish to have more of such meet up session organised by our government. 

Lunch with Terence Ong (second from right), Regional Director of Contact Singapore

Thursday 13 November 2014

Bag with a dilemma

Have you bought a bag which you think is cool and nice but your partner think otherwise?

Ever since Michael Kors launch into the market and gets popular, I don't really like any of the design until in October, I went to Las Rozas Village outlet while helping my sister to get her bag, I saw this white bag with studs and crystals on it. It was on a special discount and for a moment, I decided to try it and I fell in love with it as I do not have a white or light coloured bag. Therefore, I gave my credit card at the counter and walk out of the shop happily. The happiness did not last long.

Once I reached home and am excited to show my hubby, the first thing from his mouth is 'This bag is so Ugly, the studs is ugly and it make the bag looks even uglier' I almost lost my balance and got so pissed with him. He tried to convince me to change it. We went back to the shop on another day and he wanted me to change to other model that is in black (which I already got a few black bags) which is not the type that I would even consider about. His taste is very mature designs. In the end, I stay firmed and keep my white crystals and studs bag which I think is fun and cool to carry. 

I am sure, when I take this bag in future, he is going to comment again. I believe, I will not use this bag when going out with him.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

In love with Pretty Ballerinas

I used to wear high heels most of the time and maybe only 2 pairs of flats but when I had my first baby, I switched to flats. I was so crazy that at the end of my pregnancy I owned 10 pairs of flats. Not to say for my second pregnancy. Ever since we moved to Madrid, I have been aiming for Pretty Ballerinas shoes as I was already a fan of theirs when I was in Singapore but it was just too expensive for me to buy it Singapore.

When I first came to Madrid, I joined as a member with Las Rozas Village, a outlet and once or twice a year, I do get additional discount on top of the outlet price. I started with two pairs about two years ago. With the additional discount in July, I invested another two as it is just too comfortable and two more in October.

You may think that I am crazy but comfortable shoes is one of the most important outfit for me. When I used to work, If I wore a new pair of shoes and it caused blister,  I would buy a new pair of shoes during lunch time to replace it and that pair of shoes will be blacklisted immediately. I really cannot stand shoes that caused me that ugly blister.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Probably the worst Churros in Madrid

You have probably heard that when you are in Spain, you must try the churros with hot chocolate. Generally, churros is one of the most common and popular food for breakfast. It's good for tea break or anytime as you wish.

My family love it and I never fails to bring my guests to try them. So far, the best is from San Gines located at Pasadizo de San Gines, 5. It operates 365 days , 24 hours a day. The worst is the one located inside Mercado San Miguel, Horno San Onofre. The texture of the churros is really horrible. It is too hard, I do not know how to describe it but it just taste horrible. Even my children did not like it after the second bite! 

I am very disappointed with the standard. I thought a stall opened in San Miguel which is a tourist spot would be at least of the normal standard to showcase to the tourist how does the churros taste. I have tried many others churros in other bars/ cafes, they are of average standard but this Horno San Onofre's churros is the worst, the hot chocolate cannot make it too.

I am just sharing my comments after tasting the churros. It's up to you to believe or not.

Friday 24 October 2014

Valencia, Spain

I am delighted to received my Very Important Guests with her family at the end of September. As usual, I was the local tour guide and also planned a weekend road trip.

We spent a few days in Madrid to shop and tour the city along Gran via, Sol and Callao. Not forgetting Serrano and Goya too. 

When visiting Madrid, I would recommend some dishes that you should try. Churros at San Gines is a must. It is opened 24hr by 7days. Next is to try Paella, the ones with rabbit meat, you probably have tried but not aware of it. It taste like chicken.  The one with black squid ink is very delicious too. Apart from all these, you should also try the Cochinillo asado (roast piglet), Chopitos (fried baby squids), Bocadillo de calamares (deep fried squid sandwich) and many more. I believe you can find all the information on the internet easily.

As we have three young children, we decided to drive to Valencia to visit the Oceanografic of the City of Arts and Sciences. It is the largest in Europe. Click for more info

For nice paella, please head to the beach. Many said that the ones along the beach are nice but the there are many and we just chose one based on our guts feel. We had our dinner at Restuarante La Murcian. I strongly recommend this restaurant,  the food is so nice that we returned the next day for lunch and their service is good too

We left Valencia with a big smile. Our children enjoyed the aquarium and adults filled our tummy with the delicious paella and more. See pictures below.  We returned to Madrid while my friend and her family took a train to Barcelona before returning to Madrid for her last minute shopping.

Above: Oceanografic

Above: Dinner at Restaurante La Murciana

Above: Me and my V.I.Guest

Sunday 12 October 2014

Hispanic Day, 12 Oct 2014

It is also known as the National Day of Spain. The sky was clear in the morning and we thought, it will be great to bring the children to witness this event. It was drizzling for a while but it did not stop the audience from cheering and applauding for the forces. Both boys enjoyed a lot and keep clapping their hands when the forces marched passed them.

We were at Plaza de Colon around 10.45am and it did not start until 11.30am. It started off with the Air show and followed a a military parade. We went off after the after the parade ends as there isn't much performance after that. 

Watching the 'ang mohs' in their uniforms and marching with their head high is so MAN. They look so smart and charming. Oh there are ladies too, they looks as charming as the guys.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Little friends at our house

We broke the news of going back to Singapore for good to Enrique about a month ago. He was a little disappointed as he enjoys going to school and had made some good friends here. He asked me if he could invite his friends to come over to our house to play. Being a mum, If I can do it, I will try not to disappoint my children's request.

I promised to him that I will invite his friends to come for a FUN time before we return to Singapore. He is so excited and kept asking me when can he play with his friends. He cannot wait till November. Therefore, I decided to do it on last weekend.

There were total nine children and 10 adults. They were mostly Spanish and one siblings from France and us, from Singapore. The FUN time starts from 5.30pm and ends at 9pm. Can you imagine how much fun the children had and of course how messy my house was.

Most importantly, I kept my promised to my boy and both of them had lots of fun. Parents had also enjoyed a lot too. I got to know them better with my little spoken Spanish. 

Hope to arrange another session before we leave for good.