Saturday 28 September 2013

Bedtime routine

I believe every family will have your own bedtime routine. For my family, the routine is, me making milk for Enrique while he choose his book and his daddy with read to him before he falls asleep.

Enrique has been sick for the past 7 days from diarrhoea, cough with phlegm and fever. He doesn't sleep well every night and of course, his daddy continue to read a book to him. But today, I was the one who read to him before he fell asleep. While he was sleeping, he cough and cry a lot. He makes noise mumbling this and that but we do not know what he wants. At 2.00am, he cried again and said he wants daddy and daddy and daddy but we cannot figured out what he wants from his daddy.

I asked Eric if he had promised something to Enrique, he said nothing. And then Enrique was saying, I want something, pointing to the direction of the books that his daddy usually left after reading to him.
So I asked, do you want book? Yes,….daddy…daddy. And I asked, you want daddy to read to you? YES!!! Both of us giggled as it was just so funny. He remembers the routine is not complete without his daddy reading to him. They read on the bed and he ask for milk and he fell asleep again.

Goodnight to all.

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