Monday 9 September 2013

One dozen of Singaporean folks

Its been three years ever since I left the working society. When my friend from my last employer shared that they are coming to Spain for holiday and will be staying in Madrid for two nights, I was thrilled and excited to arrange a meet up with them. It was also a coincidence that they are put up at the Holiday Inn Hotel which is 10 minutes away from my place. Therefore, it makes things easier for us to make arrangement.

On Sunday after their dinner at Da Fa Chinese Restaurant, I met up with them and one dozen of Singaporean folks flocked to my place for a taste of Spanish tapas. Five of them are my friends and the rest are their annual tour buddies. They have been traveling together for the past 6 years. Do you also have a tour buddy? Theirs is a tour group- An Awesome group of great people and friends.

Cinco Jotas Jámon for my VIGs (Very Important Guests)
Wines and Olives too, there are actually flat peaches too but 
I forgot to take photo before finishing it
My lovely folks brought these from Singapore for me
Awesome friends
The dozen of Singaporeans folks
The baby sitter for the night…Thumbs up for both!
I feel so blessed and happy to see them!

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